Welcome To Wycliffe Nga Tamariki Kindergarten
Our Session Times Are: Monday to Friday 8:45am to 2:45pm Our Staff To Child Ratio: |
Head Teacher Kathy Malone
Dip. ECE, B. Ed, B. Dip Maori Ed & current first aid
Teacher Myoe Lilburn Dip. ECE & current first aid
Teacher Erika Roil
B. Ed Tch ECE & current first aid
Teacher Mel Madden
Dip. ECE & current first aid
Kindergarten Support Worker Joy Samsodien
Phone: 06 843 2932
Cellphone: 027 643 2932 Email: wntkgtn@napierkindergartens.co.nz Address: 26 Cranby Crescent, Onekawa, Napier |