the joy of teaching, the love of learning

the joy of teaching, the love of learning


FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Do I have to be a New Zealand citizen to access 20 Hours Free?

A: No, but your child must be between the ages of 3 and 5 years.

Q: Do I have to be a New Zealand citizen to enrol my child at kindergarten?

A: No

Q: Can I start my child at one kindergarten while waiting for an available place in another kindergarten?

A: Yes
Q: Are kindergartens zoned?

A: No, you can enroll at the kindergarten of your choice, irrespective of where you reside.

Q: How long do I have to be on a waiting list before my child can start kindergarten?

A: We generally start children in age order, with older children being placed first, so length of time on a waiting list does not determine when a child starts kindergarten. The average starting age at some kindergartens may be higher than others, due to demand for places. Enrolment may be assessed on a case by case basis, and in some kindergartens with high enrolment levels conditions may apply.

 Q: I will be temporarily residing in New Zealand for several weeks, can my child attend kindergarten?
A: Yes, if we have a place available.
Q: Do I have to pay extra for my child to attend excursions and entertainment?

A: No

Q: Can my child attend other services as well?
A: Yes, your child can attend other services.
Q: How safe are my children at kindergarten?

A: All of our staff who have access to children are police vet checked, we have strict policies around the supervision of children at all times (including excursions), we have procedures for the safe collection of children at the end of sessions by authorized adults only, our teachers are first aid trained, we have procedures in place for children with allergies and regular health and safety checks are conducted to ensure we comply with safety regulations.    

Q: I want to start my child at kindergarten now, what is the easiest way to find out which kindergartens are available to take my child?

A: Contact the Association administrative offices for assistance. (ph 06 835 7890 or email

Q: I want to know more about kindergarten, who can I speak to?

A: Contact either a Head Teacher at a kindergarten or the General Manager, we will be pleased to answer any questions you may have. If you have any queries about the kindergarten program please contact a Head Teacher or our Education Managers.

Q: My child has special learning needs, can they be enrolled at Kindergarten?

A: Yes, we welcome children with special learning needs and have fully qualified, trained teachers who are skilled at managing children with special learning needs.

Q: If  I do not want my child to attend for all of the hours available at kindergarten, can they attend for fewer sessions?

A: Some of our kindergartens allow place sharing. You will need to discuss this with the kindergarten Head Teachers or contact the Association to find out where place sharing may be available.

Q: How do I choose a kindergarten?

A: A number of factors may be taken into account by parents when choosing a kindergarten such as location, session times, the primary school their child will attend, the kindergarten's philosophy, reputation, when a place may become available etc. We strongly recommend visiting several kindergartens before deciding as each is so uniquely different.

 Q: Must my child be toilet trained or immunized before attending kindergarten?

A: No

Q: Does my child need to be able to speak or understand English before they can attend kindergarten?

A: No

Contact Us


Phone:  06 835 7890


66 Kennedy Road, Napier

PO Box 4298, Marewa, Napier

New Zealand

Mission and Vision Statements

Our Vision
Together we nurture your child and their identity as a learner

Our Mission:
To inspire tamariki to be competent and confident learners