From 1 July 2010 parents and caregivers of 3, 4 and 5 year old children can access up to 20 hours per week of free early childhood education.
Our Association further subsidises additional attendance hours for children aged 3, 4 and 5 years when their full 20 hours ECE has been attested to us. If your child attends a kindergarten offering a 6 hour session and they attest their 20 Hours ECE funding to their kindergarten, they can attend up to 30 hours per week at no additional cost. We do however suggest a $10 per week voluntary Family Donation.
If you attest any of your child's 20 hours ECE funding to another provider, a fee of $5 per hour applies to any hours at kindergarten not covered by the 20 Hours funding allocated to us.
If your child attends a session longer than 6 hours per day, the cost is a fee of $ 5 per hour for the hours that exceed 6.
At our 6 hour session kindergartens we also subsidise the cost of attendance for 2 year old children, who will only be requested to pay a fee of $5 per hour for the first 9 hours of enrolment. Any additional hours accessed at these kindergartens do not incur a fee (for example the cost of a child attending 30 hours per week is still $45). If the child also attends a session longer than 6 hours, a further $5.00 per hour fee is payable. The cost of a 2 year old attending 37.5 hours per week is $82.50.
The fee may be eligible to be covered by a WINZ children subsidy.
Our kindergartens do not charge optional charges or extra costs, all excursions are free.